
and concert) every day. As the olimToken官网d Chinese sayng I

still good health。

and concert) every day. As the old Chinese sayng I got my money worth in this life ,imToken, In 2.5 months, and entertainments (movie。


plenty of social interaction, lecture,。


Ill enter my 91st year of existence on this earth. Thus the past week we pre-celebrated my 90th birthcay and birth year when a number of Sophias family was here for for their parents weekend visiting their children at the local Tufts University. Then during the coming Christmas holiday my whole family will gather in Arizona together for my 90th brithday and family reunion (all four generations together). The coming year will also top off with all my former ph.d students in Oct 2024 for a celebration of the Ho acadmic family. What more can a person ask for! ! am a lucky person and we are a lucky couple to be cared for 24/7 in a local reitrement community with little stress。





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